




“Well then, that is the distinction I was trying to express just now, when I defined as provocative of thought impression of sense in which opposites are combined; whereas, if there is no contradictory impression, there is nothing to awaken reflection.[2]

ネットで見られるBenjamin Jowett訳は次の通り(下線が該当部分)。日本語で表現すれば、「同じ事象の中に対立する印象が混在しているような場合に、思考は喚起される」となるかな。

 “This was what I meant when I spoke of impressions which invited the intellect, or the reverse --those which are simultaneous with opposite impressions, invite thought; those which are not simultaneous do not.[3]
“This, then, is what I was trying to express before, when I said that some things summon thought, while others don’t. Those that strike the relevant sense at the same time as their opposites I call summoners, those that don’t do this do not awaken understanding[4]


[1] Ronald A. Heifetz, Leadership Without Easy Answers, 6 (Belknap Press of Harvard U. Press, 1996) at p.6 and note 7 at p.279. ロナルド・A・ハイフェッツ/幸田シャーミン訳『リーダーシップとは何か!』(産能大学出版部1996年)。
[2] The Republic of Plato,Translated with Introduction and Notes by Francis Macdonald Cornford [Book XII 524 d.] p.240 (Oxford: OUP, 1941).
[3] The Republic by Plato, Translated by Benjamin Jowett, BOOK VII Socrates – GLAUCON, http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/republic.mb.txt.
[4] The Republic Book XII 524 d.,Translated by G. M. A. Grube, revised by C. D. C. Reev,In Complete Works, Plato ,Edited by John M. Cooper, Associate Editor D. S. Hutchinson, 1997 - 1,838 pp.
[5] ジョン・スチュアート・ミル(John Stuart Mill, 1806 - 1873)は少年時代にギリシャ語でプラトンの国家を読んだ(教育パパのジェームズ・ミルにラテン語やギリシャ語の古典を読まされた)という。Autobiography of John Stuart Mill : Published from the Original Manuscript in the Columbia University Library, (1924) p.15.ネットでも読める。http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/10378/pg10378.html
[6] 古典の翻訳は本当に難しいが、聖典の翻訳はさらに困難である。弘法大師空海が「真言は不思議、・・・一字に千里が含まれる・・・」(眞言不思議 觀誦無明除 一字含千理 即身證法如)と解釈したのも無理はない。般若心經祕鍵(No.2203-A)SAT大正新脩大藏經テキストデータベース2012版、http://21dzk.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/SAT/ddb-bdk-sat2.php. 聖書の翻訳について、「根拠を示して発言するということ」を参照。http://nomurakn.blogspot.jp/2011/05/blog-post.html

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